
Gemstones for Renewal and New Beginnings
New beginnings can feel like an adventure. Whether it’s planting a garden, cleaning out your closet, starting a new exercise program, new job, new relationship, or a whole new take...
Gemstones for Renewal and New Beginnings
New beginnings can feel like an adventure. Whether it’s planting a garden, cleaning out your closet, starting a new exercise program, new job, new relationship, or a whole new take...

Gemstones and Self-Care
Sometimes we need a little extra help with our self-care, and that's where this list of six great crystals for self-care comes in. While there are many crystals that can boost self-care practices, here...
Gemstones and Self-Care
Sometimes we need a little extra help with our self-care, and that's where this list of six great crystals for self-care comes in. While there are many crystals that can boost self-care practices, here...

Gemstones and Back to School
Gemstones and Back-to-School It’s that time of year again! School is back in session and whether you are a student heading back to school or you a parent getting them...
Gemstones and Back to School
Gemstones and Back-to-School It’s that time of year again! School is back in session and whether you are a student heading back to school or you a parent getting them...

Gemstone Jewelry for the Naturalist
Perfect for stacking! Wear your bracelets on your daily ventures, or as a focus/prayer beaded bracelet, helping you meditate/pray or even do yoga. The special properties of the chosen stones...
Gemstone Jewelry for the Naturalist
Perfect for stacking! Wear your bracelets on your daily ventures, or as a focus/prayer beaded bracelet, helping you meditate/pray or even do yoga. The special properties of the chosen stones...

Using Crystals to Cleanse the House
Want to take your house cleaning to another level by addressing the invisible energy in your home? Have you ever felt heavy in a house even after cleaning it? It...
Using Crystals to Cleanse the House
Want to take your house cleaning to another level by addressing the invisible energy in your home? Have you ever felt heavy in a house even after cleaning it? It...